If your event is free, there are no charges associated with using Eventleaf Online. However, if you are charging for your packages, you can collect payment at time of registration through Eventleaf Online.
Eventleaf Online offers two payment processors.
The Jolly processor is built in to the system and does not require any additional account set up. The cost to use the Jolly Processor is $1 plus 5% of the transaction amount. The Jolly processor is set up for US currency transactions only.
Jolly offers support for a number of payment processors. If you have PayPal Payflow Pro, Authorize.Net, or 2Checkout, you can select those payment processors instead and link your event to your account.
Complete information on pricing can be found at Eventleaf Pricing.
Non-free events will require additional information for Payout of your event registrations and a credit card for Billing.