Installation Guide: Loading your Software onto the Computer

Thank you for purchasing software from Jolly Technologies. By now you have hopefully received your software download link and your license key and are wondering what are the next steps.

The first step is simple. Pick the computer you want to run the software, and use your custom link to download the installer to that computer. Your software will run on any Windows computer from Microsoft Vista on up.

The minimum system requirements are:

Microsoft Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 (8.1)
SQL Server 2008 (R2) / SQL Server 2012 (R2) for Premier edition only
NET Framework 4 or greater
1 GHz or faster x86 32-bit or 64-bit processor
2 GB RAM recommended
512 MB of available disk space

To install your new software, either double click the installer or right click on the installer and choose Run as administrator. The InstallShield Wizard will walk you through the installation steps. Once the installation is complete, you will have a desktop shortcut to your software.

If you have purchased the Premier-level software, decide whether or not you want to use the Jolly Server, a free SQL add-on to your installation, or the default Microsoft Access-based Internal server. If you want to use the Jolly Server, then go to the Jolly Server installation guide. There you will find a description of the two server download options and instructions on the server installation process.

Right click on the desktop shortcut and Run as administrator to activate your software and start the configuration process.

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    yna calma

    I'm trying to download a free trial version but it is giving an error 1722. What the next step?

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