Importing Data from the Internal Jolly Server

Selecting a Data Source (Windows 32-bit)

  1. From the Start menu, select ‘Import and Export Data (32-bit)’:


  2. Select ‘Next’:


  3. Select ‘Microsoft Access’ from the data source menu. Browse to the internal Jolly Server database file, this is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Jolly Technologies\YOUR_SOFTWARE_HERE\Sample Databases\Sample Database.mdb. Select ‘Next’:


Selecting a Data Source (Windows 64-bit)

  1. From the Start menu, select ‘Import and Export Data (64-bit)’:


  2. Select ‘Next’:


  3. Select ‘Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider’ from the ‘Data Source’ drop-down box. Select ‘Properties’:


  4. Type the location of the internal Jolly Server database file into the ‘Data Source’ box. The database file is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Jolly Technologies\YOUR_SOFTWARE_HERE\Sample Databases\Sample Database.mdb. Select ‘OK’:


  5. Select ‘Next’:


Selecting a Data Destination

  1. Select the server name from the drop-down box. Choose the name that includes the instance name you chose earlier and enter the username and password information you set earlier. Select ‘New’:


  2. Name the database; here we use the name of the software. Select ‘OK’:


  3. Select ‘Next’:


  4. Keep the default selection and select ‘Next’:


  5. Select the top checkbox to select all tables:


  6. Select ‘Next’:


  7. Select ‘Next’:


  8. Select ‘Finish’:


  9. The data has been imported, select ‘Close’:




Adjusting Table Primary Keys

  1. From the Start menu, open ‘SQL Server Management Studio’:


  2. Select the server name from the drop-down box; use the option that includes the server instance name. Enter the username and password settings you chose earlier, and then select ‘Connect’:


  3. Navigate to the ‘Tables’ folder:


  4. Navigate to the ‘Columns’ folder of a table you intend to use. Here we use the ‘Employee’ table:


  5. Right-click the ‘IDNumber’ field and select ‘Modify’:


  6. Right-click the ‘IDNumber’ field and select ‘Set Primary Key’:


  7. Scroll down in the ‘Column Properties’ area and expand the ‘Identity Specification’ field. Change ‘(Is Identity)’ to ‘Yes’:


  8. Repeat steps 4-7 for each table you intend to use (do this for all tables if you are unsure).
  9. Save the changes:


  10. If you see the following error message, select ‘Cancel’ and follow the remaining steps in this section. If you do not see an error message, exit and continue to the next section.


  11. Open Tools > Options and navigate to ‘Table and Database Designers’:


  12. Uncheck ‘Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation’ and then select ‘OK’:


  13. Save the changes and exit.

Previous Step

Manually Installing the SQL Server (Jolly Server)

Installing the default Jolly Server (Basic Installation)

Next Step

Connecting your groups to the Jolly Server

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