The Acuant line of driver's license scanners include the following products:
Acuant ScanShell 1000B
Acuant ScanShell 800R
Acuant SnapShell Passport
Acuant SnapShell R2
Each of these scanners works with our software by scanning the image side of the driver's license and then using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to read the text from the scanner and then put that information into your Lobby Track database.
Windows does not download the correct drivers for the Acuant driver's license scanners, so please follow the instructions below before plugging your scanner into your computer for the best experience.
Step 1. Download the Card Scanning Solutions SDK.
The SDK can be downloaded from the Jolly Technologies website under Support > Product Updates.
Step 2. Run the Card Scanning Solutions SDK installer.
Double click the installer (named sdk_setup.exe) to add the drivers to your local workstation. If you have an older version of the drivers, the installer will prompt you to uninstall the drivers prior to adding the new ones to your system.
Follow the InstallShield Wizard for the Acuant SDK until you reach the Select Features screen. By default, the SDK will install the drivers for the ScanShell 800R and the SnapShell Camera and the SDK for the Driver License, ID & Passports worldwide. In the support department, we highly recommend adding the Business Card feature to the SDK before continuing even if you do not intend to scan business cards in your installation.
If you do not install the Business Card module, then you will be notified when you launch the software that the business card module is missing.
Continue to the Next screen and install the SDK. The SDK installer will not automatically close the final window until you click Finish.
Step 3. Plug in your Acuant SnapShell device.
Now that the SDK is installed, it is safe to plug your device into the computer. Your device will normally show up in the Devices and Printers as an Unspecified device at the bottom of the screen.
Step 4. Configure your Card Scanner in Lobby Track.
Go to Settings > This Workstation > Devices and click on the Card Scanner link to open up your settings for the Acuant driver's license scanner. If your device has properly registered the drivers from the SDK, the software should auto-detect the card scanner.
In the Acuant settings, you can select what your default region will be, calibrate the scanner if necessary, and enable the passport and business card scanning options. Click OK when you have chosen the features you want to enable.
Step 5. Configure the driver's license scan for your group.
Note: If you have more than one group, and you want to enable this feature for all groups you will have to perform the step below for each group.
Go to Settings and edit your group. Go to the Tasks menu and select Add Record or Sign In. Under Information Capture, check off Scan drivers license, passport, or business card.
Once the feature is selected, the text will turn blue. When you click that text, you can then select the data you want to capture from the scanner. It will automatically map the most commonly selected fields, so unless you have a custom database or wish to limit the data you are getting from the driver's license you can skip this step. If you do not see any fields selected, you can either click the Auto Map Fields button or you can click into the Scanner Field column to pull up the list of driver's license fields and assign them to your database.
Congratulations. Your Acuant driver's license scanner is now set up and ready to use.